Frequently Asked Questions

The product I want isn’t available in the color I want.

Item stock and color selection is subject to our third-party vendor. If an item is available in additional color options, then an additional selection menu will be visible under the product title and price.

How do I cancel / change my order?
Please note that as soon as orders are placed, they begin processing. Changes may or not be able to be made. If you need to cancel or change your order, start a line of communication as soon as possible with our vendor using the Contact form. Within the comments, be sure to include your order number and the items that you need to update. Once your request is made, you should receive a response in 1-2 business days.

Where is my shipment?
Once your products have shipped, you will receive an email notification from
team@museema.com with tracking information letting you know your order is on the way.

Exchanges, what if I received a damaged / defective item?
Reach out to our vendor using the Contact form. Within the comments, include your order number, the affected items, and the damage that has occurred. Once your request is made, you should receive a response in 1-2 business days.